
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cross Country 2019

Like always, we had our annual Cross Country. Like any other school. At our school, the teachers thought to change how we do things to the tasks up to the point of the Running course. To list one of the changes, the teachers said that after a task we had done, we would, they would right either S-for skipping, K-for Kicking Soccer Goals, O-for Obstacle Course and R-=for run. This time, the Year Sixes helped the teachers by assigning us with other year groups. I was assigned along with other students, with the Year 3's. I think of this idea as a great one, and a beneficial one too!

All of the activities was exhilarating and the changes really affected how much more fun I had compared to the previous years. Our very first activity with the Year 3's was skip roping. This was one of the new task set for all the participants. I really enjoyed it, and my top favourite warm-up. After 15 minutes of skipping, (and rest), we headed to our next activity which was the obstacle course. Unfortunately, I didn't really get to experience the hard work put into this course but at least I got to help with this. The course was to bounce on this huge ball and go under this net, I call the cheese net and swing monkey bars back and bounce on that huge ball back to the next person. I'm not to sure when this task was done, but cheering or the others. Just before the run, everybody, including me, had to warm-up before the big run and cheer for the group of children who were whizzing the course. Next, after that we did games and those who pre-ordered some cake or treats, got to eat them but our time was up and all of the Year 3's was all pumped up for the big run.

As for the Year Six's, all of us were assigned to go to a particular spot in the course and some ran with the Year 3's. After that was finished, it was lunch! I was super happy I got to play now, or eat. Either way, all I remember was that I was happy. When our time to eat had ended, we the Year 6's got to run the course. I think I did very well and gotten faster compared from last year.

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