Des hunt visits
Today des hunt visited our school with some stuff and his wife Lynne. He showed us some of his books and introduce us a little about himself at first.One of the facts is that he's been a science and technology teacher for many years ,anther fact is that he had a pet cat name puffy but she died,still there is a toy that can make a sound of a cat.he showed us with slideshows with pictures.He said that he was obsessed with chemistry when he was young ,so he done some experiments first one was very surprising because he used a modified lighter and something.
My favourite part was when he used a balloon pump to blow up a balloon with a cat face,but he also had a eel balloon that was gonna burst.I liked this part because the cat was so cute with the face,but it was in a weird shape.I covered my ears because the eel balloon pop will explode loud like a elephant doing it's noise.
At the end we done a applause and thank him for visiting us,he answered 2 questions and at morning tea,some students bought some money so they can buy one of the books.Lot's of students wanted to read a friend in paradise.